Thirty five years ago, or thereabouts, when I was a young pastor leading a church that had been struggling for decades, I was invited to speak at a conference.
One of the other invited guests was a far more experienced minister than myself and he asked me how things were going with my congregation. I told him they were okay, but we had a few problems, to which he replied -
There will always be problems, but there are two kinds of problems. There are problems of growth and problems of decline.
We have problems at Church At The Movies, but I am happy to report they are the right kind. We have growth problems and the truth is the theater where we do the main service is pretty much full. Sure there are seats here and there and you could find places for a family coming in twenty minutes after the start if you split them up and put them in odd spaces in the middle of different rows. But for all practical purposes we're full.
Great problem - we need to address it quickly.
One of the other invited guests was a far more experienced minister than myself and he asked me how things were going with my congregation. I told him they were okay, but we had a few problems, to which he replied -
There will always be problems, but there are two kinds of problems. There are problems of growth and problems of decline.
We have problems at Church At The Movies, but I am happy to report they are the right kind. We have growth problems and the truth is the theater where we do the main service is pretty much full. Sure there are seats here and there and you could find places for a family coming in twenty minutes after the start if you split them up and put them in odd spaces in the middle of different rows. But for all practical purposes we're full.
Great problem - we need to address it quickly.
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