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Location: Long Island, New York, United States

I'm the lead pastor of a great and very unconventional church - Church At The Movies, with campuses in Ronkonkoma and Mastic, NY - and I love doing what I do. We have hundreds of fellow radicals in our congregations who, like me, are committed to doing church for the unchurched. Totally apart from my church involvement, I work a few hours a week as a Weight Loss Consultant for Weight Watchers, which I thoroughly enjoy.

Friday, September 09, 2005

It's Friday ... But Sunday's Coming!

I love that classic sermon by Tony Campolo - it's about Easter, but it's a constant reminder that however bleak one day may be, God is the God of resurrection and of the new day. Campolo's one of my favorite preachers and writers. He has a lot of insight and is extremely funny with a tendency towards being outrageous - guess he's my kind of guy!

Since this is the start of Week 2 of this new communication tool, here's what I'd like to do on Fridays. First to give you a heads up on what will be in the printed View on Sunday. That way if you should have to miss us this weekend (and who dares after last Sunday's message???), you'll be in the picture about what's happening. Then on Friday's I want to nominate a Cool Person Of The Week.

Here's Sunday's View -

Welcome to Grace Church on this special Sunday morning. There is a lot going on in our service today and all of that makes this Sunday different –

Remembering Our Heroes
Today is September 11th, a date so sealed into our memories that when we say it, no one asks what year we are talking about. We are thinking of those horrendous scenes in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. on a late summer morning in 2001. Today we salute those who gave their lives trying to rescue others; we remember innocent victims and we pray for those who still mourn.

We’re starting a new teaching series today that will run for the next two Sundays. It’s all about change. None of us stays the way we are – we are all changing in different ways. God helps us to be transformed during the course of this journey on earth and it all starts with today’s topic, Stage One: A Change Of Heart.

Hurricane Response
We’re receiving a special offering at the end of this morning’s service that will open a fund to give us the resources to respond to some of the incredible needs of those whose lives were devastated by Hurricane Katrina. The fund will remain open and donations may be made at any time by designating gifts “Hurricane Relief”.

Better Together
Today we’ll be setting the scene for a fall campaign called 40 Days of Community. For six weeks, starting October 23rd, we’ll be joining with hundreds of churches nationwide and looking at the question What On Earth Are We Here For? During that time, in Sunday services, small groups and special events we’ll be looking for answers and taking steps to develop community within the church so we can serve the community around the church.

We are currently putting together a first response team to leave for Pascagoula, Mississippi next weekend and spend a week in this town helping people salvage what is left of their homes. Pascagoula is receiving little outside help, but the folks living there need others to come alongside them and assist with tree removal, taking up ruined floors, removing flood damaged sheetrock, etc to try to save their houses.
It’s hot, humid and inhospitable. Our team will need to travel by road so they can take in all they need, including tents to sleep in. It’s going to be a rough trip and it’s only open to men this time. But we do have a couple of spots left for a few more guys. Talk to Frank Summers today if you want to be part of our first response effort.


We’re feeding hundreds of people each month through our Grace Care programs and appreciate all who make it possible. If you have a couple of hours a week to help with food pick-ups (which include loading and unloading the van), please call the church office or talk direct to Kerry Tooker at the Grace Care cart in the foyer today.

Our first Cool Person Of The Week Award goes to three people so it's persons of the week this time. And they are (drum roll please Steve) ...

Jake and Johanna Fagerland and Jake's friend Gary

Jake and Johanna did two great things last Sunday. First, Jake brought his neighbor Gary to church with him. Second, all three of them decided they wanted to do something to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina. So they put together a plan to collect change from people as they came into the movie theater for the service. They set up their sign at a table in the foyer and waited with their magic change jar. It wasn't really magic of course, but it did count what was going in and kept a running total, which is pretty cool. So by the end of the day these two younger members of our congregation and their guest had collected $115-71. Great job kids! Way to go! A real example to us all.
Note to everyone: They'll be there with the magic jar again this week, so be ready to part with all your change at the door. Rumor has it the candy lady will be back too!