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Location: Long Island, New York, United States

I'm the lead pastor of a great and very unconventional church - Church At The Movies, with campuses in Ronkonkoma and Mastic, NY - and I love doing what I do. We have hundreds of fellow radicals in our congregations who, like me, are committed to doing church for the unchurched. Totally apart from my church involvement, I work a few hours a week as a Weight Loss Consultant for Weight Watchers, which I thoroughly enjoy.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Had a great meeting with our creative team last night, getting some things in place for upcoming series. I am really looking forward to Caffeinated Christianity, which will be a four week series on grace. I love doing stuff on grace as it gives me a chance to shoot some sacred cows and see people set free to be who God intended them to be. It's an opportunity to be outrageous, which is okay because Jesus was too!

Once the guys had left with their lists of things to do (good leadership is the art of delegation!) I decided to check out my new toy - the Ipod.

It came with minimal instructions, so I was a little nervous. Yet having been assured by my son that Ipods are idiot proof, I decided to venture forth and enter a brave new world.

Surprise, surprise! I managed to download several sermons and sign up for a few podcasts. Feeling brave and unbeatable, I then put a CD into the computer to download that onto the Ipod, but I have to confess that something went wrong with that process. Somehow or other the songs just never made it to their destination, which is a pity because there were 25 on there and that would have brought the available space down to 7,475 titles.

My main worry now is whether I will die before I can fill my Ipod!!!

Learning new things is good. Doing things differently is good too. Stretch yourself - regularly!

And if you have an Ipod, remember we podcast our messages too. Check out our website - - and go to "Listen to Last Week's Message".