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Location: Long Island, New York, United States

I'm the lead pastor of a great and very unconventional church - Church At The Movies, with campuses in Ronkonkoma and Mastic, NY - and I love doing what I do. We have hundreds of fellow radicals in our congregations who, like me, are committed to doing church for the unchurched. Totally apart from my church involvement, I work a few hours a week as a Weight Loss Consultant for Weight Watchers, which I thoroughly enjoy.

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Forty eight hours before we were due to leave for a vacation in Scotland last July, our son-in-law's father had a horrific sky-diving accident. Needless to say, our plans were put on hold. Freddie is home now, still recovering, but a living miracle and we had the joy of spending Christmas with him.

With that crisis behind us, we decided to use our plane tickets to be in Scotland for New Year, so here we are in London's Heathrow Airport waiting for our connecting flight to Aberdeen.

New Year is huge for the Scots, so it will be a good time to be with family and friends there. We will be staying with Gill's brother and sister-in-law. Sue has been battling colon cancer for the past eighteen months, so we really want to see her and spend some time with her.

I intend to use the time to wind down, relax and contemplate the year ahead. I am convinced that 2007 will be a pivotal year for Church At The Movies. It will be a year that shapes our destiny as we look at fresh challenges and opportunities and take bold steps forward. I'll be outlining some of this in my "State Of The Church Address" on Sundays January 21st and 28th - Dangerous Church 2007, but there's a lot of good stuff happening before then.

The Earliest New Years Party Ever kicks of this coming Sunday morning with a full breakfast being served from 8.30 to 9.30 and then our end of year service with guest speaker, Ivan Vorster, gets under way in Worship Central.

Celebration Sunday is January 14th, with our fourth baptismal service in nine months and a time for communion too.

A great end to one year and an exciting start to a new one - a year in which we will be pushing the limits still further. Buckle up for the ride of your life!