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Location: Long Island, New York, United States

I'm the lead pastor of a great and very unconventional church - Church At The Movies, with campuses in Ronkonkoma and Mastic, NY - and I love doing what I do. We have hundreds of fellow radicals in our congregations who, like me, are committed to doing church for the unchurched. Totally apart from my church involvement, I work a few hours a week as a Weight Loss Consultant for Weight Watchers, which I thoroughly enjoy.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Thinking back to Sunday, there was one especially good moment that came right out of the blue. There was I near our cafe, sipping coffee no doubt, when I turned around and saw someone I haven't set eyes on in several years.

I used to spend a lot of time helping a homeless ministry with its Manhattan outreaches, but had to let that go five years ago to give CATMO my full attention. One of the people I had got to know on the streets of the Lower East Side was taking one step forward and two steps back in the battle with drugs and her sexual identity and the last time I saw her she was not doing well.

So imagine my surprise when she appeared last Sunday, looking and sounding well, and introduced me to the guy she is going to marry.

She talked about how her life had finally got on the right track and she is hoping to find a place to live in our area so she can get away from old friends and temptations.

She talked about ways I had helped and motivated her those few years ago and that reminded me that although we often don't see immediate results, you never know what fruit will grow if you keep sowing good seed.