When World War II came around my father enlisted with the Royal Air Force and spent those six years in India. He was stationed just outside of Calcutta as there was perceived to be a very real threat of invasion by the Japanese.
So I was raised on stories of India and dreamed of visiting the country one day. My mother even served up her own version of Indian food from time to time, so I aquired a taste for that very early in life.
Little did I know that the time would come when I would have the opportunity to teach and encourage hundreds of Indian pastors and that I would be making the trip an average of twice a year. Thankfully the 14 hour flight from JFK tonight is a world away from the troop ships my father travelled on for weeks.
India is a great country. It's politically stable, economically strong - and getting stronger - and there is a lot of religious freedom there too. The people are gracious and very friendly and it is a privilege to share with them a bit of the little I have learned on my journey.
I will post here as often as I can when I'm away, but if you click and find no update, please take a second for a quick prayer that my efforts will be helpful in building God's kingdom.